16/11/2023 12:00

Five cultural mediation projects in Spain to participate in the ‘In Between’ conference on November 30 in Seville

About the event

A Casa Vella, Conciencia-Afro, Banco de Proyectos Colaborativos (BdPC) / Tekeando, Cancha Libre / sala Rekalde and Platform Bajo Teja are the proposals selected from a total of 34 received.

Five Spanish mediation projects have been selected, among a total of 34 proposals received, in the open call launched to participate in the meeting and reflection space on participatory processes and cultural mediation in Europe ‘In Between. For a cultural mediation in Europe to nurture inclusive communities’, promoted by Concomitentes and ZEMOS98, which will take place at the Teatro Central in Seville on November 30, 2023, from 17 to 21hrs.


Here is a brief description of each of these initiatives that will participate in the activity of the program of the day ‘Mediation overview’, which will be joined by other European projects:


A Casa Vella. A Casa Vella, located in the village of Amiadoso, Galicia, is conceived as a space for artistic creation with a strong social vocation, of mediation and dynamization of the rural context, with attention to the maintenance and enhancement of its endogenous resources and its intangible cultural heritage. Its activities are aimed at different groups: residents of Amiadoso and other rural areas, the artistic community, researchers and cultural and rural development managers.

















Conciencia-Afro (Espacio Afro). Artistic, cultural and political proposal focused on vindicating, celebrating and disseminating the realities and knowledge of the African continent and the diaspora spread all over the planet, in order to generate cultures united by an umbilical cord but different and their own. Its projects range from the Conciencia Afro Festival, one of the main Afro festivals in Europe; the programme of activities of the Cultural Centre ‘Espacio Afro’; and projects such as the ‘Revista Negrxs’, ‘Campamento Afro’ and others of political advocacy and research.

















Banco de Proyectos Colaborativos (BdPC) / Tekeando. 

Tekeando is an initiative that works in Seville carrying out projects that bring together situated artistic practices, cultural mediation, collective pedagogies and activist art. Banco de Proyectos Colaborativos (BdPC) is a programme of creation and research based on artistic practices linked to specific contexts and territories, born from the collaboration between the Instituto de la Cultura y de las Artes de Sevilla (ICAS) and Tekeando, with the support of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.

















Cancha Libre / sala Rekalde. Cancha Libre is an open group of young people, which since 2020 has been working in Sala Rekalde in Bilbao with the accompaniment of the facilitator Inés García. The group proposes its own ways of approaching and understanding the artistic and cultural playing field of the territory. Cancha Libre, in contrast to the idea of the exhibition as utopia, claims the exhibition space as a place of (dis)encounters, connections, free experimentation and play.















Plataforma Bajo Teja.  BajoTeja is an artistic and cultural mediation platform located between the asphalt and the meadow. A young team that, from the queer and the multidisciplinary, investigates the resistances of the city and the knowledge of the people. It works from Ávila and Madrid in community, educational and artistic contexts through participatory processes that promote diversity and cultural democracy; blurring the barriers between the traditional and the contemporary.

















The conference seeks to promote the exchange of knowledge and strategies around artistic and cultural mediation in Europe, and is part of the programming of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The meeting is also supported by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, as well as Acción Cultural Española.


This conference is presented as an opportunity to disseminate mediation projects and to make contact with professionals in the sector within a European framework, in which professionals from other member countries will also participate, thus seeking to position Spain as a benchmark in cultural mediation in Europe.